
SCPI Commands

class History[source]

History commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 1 group commands

class GetStruct[source]

Response structure. Fields:

  • Sms_Timestamps: str: Timestamp of the message transfer as string in the format ‘hh:mm:ss’

  • Sms_Type: enums.SmsTypeA: TGPP | TGPP2 | OGPP | OGPP2 | OPAGer | TPAGer TGPP: mobile-terminating message, 3GPP TGPP2: mobile-terminating message, 3GPP2 OGPP: mobile-originating message, 3GPP OGPP2: mobile-originating message, 3GPP2 OPAGer: mobile-originating message, RCS pager mode TPAGer: mobile-terminating message, RCS pager mode

  • Sms_Encoding: enums.SmsEncoding: GSM7 | GSM8 | UCS | ASCI | IAF5 | NENC | BASE64 Encoding of the message

  • Sms_Text: str: Message text as string

  • History_State: enums.SessionState: OK | NOK | PROGgres | RINGing | ESTablished | HOLD | RESumed | RELeased | MEDiaupdate | BUSY | DECLined | RCSTxt | INITialmedia | FILetransfer | SRVCcrelease | TERMinated | CANCeled | REJected Status of the call

  • History_Timestamps: str: Timestamp of the call as string in the format ‘hh:mm:ss’

  • Signaling_Type: enums.SignalingType: PRECondit | NOPRecondit | SIMPle | REQU100 | REQuprecondi | WOTPrec183 | EARLymedia Signaling type of the call

  • Audio_Codec_Type: enums.CodecType: NARRowband | WIDeband | EVS Audio codec type of the call

  • Amr_Align_Mode: enums.AlignMode: OCTetaligned | BANDwidtheff AMR voice codec alignment mode of the call

  • Amr_Mode: str: Codec mode as string

  • Video_Codec: enums.VideoCodec: H263 | H264 Video codec of the video call

  • Video_Attributes: str: Video codec attributes of the video call

get(idn: str, ims=<Ims.Default: -1>)GetStruct[source]
value: GetStruct = driver.sense.data.control.ims.history.get(idn = '1', ims = repcap.Ims.Default)
Queries details for a selected event log entry.

INTRO_CMD_HELP: The returned sequence depends on the type of the entry. Examples:

  • Four values are returned for a message entry of the type 3GPP, 3GPP2 or RCS pager mode: <SMSTimestamps>, <SMSType>, <SMSEncoding>, <SMSText>

  • Eight values are returned for each recorded state of a call entry: {<HistoryState>, <HistoryTimestamps>, <SignalingType>, <AudioCodecType>, <AMRAlignMode>, <AMRMode>, <VideoCodec>, <VideoAttributes>}state 1, {…}state 2, …, {…}state n If a parameter is not relevant for a state, INV is returned for this parameter.

param idn

String selecting the event log entry To query IDs, see method RsCmwDau.Sense.Data.Control.Ims.Events.get_.

param ims

optional repeated capability selector. Default value: Ix1 (settable in the interface ‘Ims’)


structure: for return value, see the help for GetStruct structure arguments.