
SCPI Commands

class DnsRequests[source]

DnsRequests commands group definition. 1 total commands, 0 Sub-groups, 1 group commands

# SCPI: CONFigure:DATA:MEASurement<inst>:DNSRequests:MICount
value: int = driver.configure.data.measurement.dnsRequests.get_mi_count()

Specifies the maximum length of the result list for DNS requests measurements. The result list is stored in a ring buffer. When it is full, the first result line is deleted whenever a new result line is added to the end.


max_index_count: Maximum number of DNS requests in the result list Range: 1 to 1000

set_mi_count(max_index_count: int)None[source]
# SCPI: CONFigure:DATA:MEASurement<inst>:DNSRequests:MICount
driver.configure.data.measurement.dnsRequests.set_mi_count(max_index_count = 1)

Specifies the maximum length of the result list for DNS requests measurements. The result list is stored in a ring buffer. When it is full, the first result line is deleted whenever a new result line is added to the end.

param max_index_count

Maximum number of DNS requests in the result list Range: 1 to 1000